Wednesday, September 15, 2010

$7 Hair Dye and a Little Luck

As wonderful as my new adventure is and as excited I am about it, there are a few sacrifices to be made when you kick your income to the curb. So with an income of zero and my roots growing by the minute, I thought I'd give dying my own hair a try. With the help of Katherine, who called her hair stylist friend to tell me what to get, and Cubbie who actually did the "do", here I am in all my glory. What do you think? Can I get buy on with $7 hair for a while?


Sam Hirt said...

looks like million dollar hair

Heather said...

it's looks fabulous!

Belle said...

You can definately do it yourself and look great. I've been dying my own hair for years and I always like it.

BirdieMann said...


kim said...

So beautiful...maybe I'll have you do my hair when I come out.

Kate said...

Hottest girl in school!

Michelle Elise said...


SLaBarre said...

I really like the hair color it looks very bright. It makes your skin tone very colorful ! sorry about your loss of income but it sceems like you are figuring out the ropes.